Advance Week Preparations
However it was not all fun and games and plenty of work was carried out on the course from ultra grooming greens multiple times, mowing rough for the last time, touching up mulch and pine straw to plate tamping and smoothing bunker faces.
For those of you not in the turf industry, advance week is the week prior to practice and championship rounds. This was our last week to do the ultra-detailed jobs on the course that we cannot do tournament week.
These jobs included plate tamping bunker faces, making sure bunker depth was at a consistent depth of 2 inches on the face and 3 inches on the bottom pan. As a golf course superintendent the last thing we want to see on national television was a plugged ball on a bunker face.
We also edged all irrigation heads on property as well as hand trimming greens heads with a pair of scissors. Late in advance week we began to mow fairways, tees, collars and approaches on a daily basis in the afternoon for the added benefit of a dry cut.
Other than a few pop up storms, advance week could not have gone smoother.