Greens, Pine Straw And Covers

Well its seems like the run of warmer weather is over for now. Thus far we have been somewhat lucky, only covering the greens at East Lake one time prior to this week.

With temperatures falling within our set protocols, we decided to cover the greens Tuesday morning, and add pine straw to certain greens or areas of the green that have significant amounts of shade.

As was the case last year when courses were faced with the polar vortex, many course that have ultradwarf greens utilized pine straw to add extra insulation on the surface. In our case we found that greens that were covered in pine straw stayed 4-7 degrees warmer than those greens with no pine straw. This year we covered all of number 4 green and the small practice green due to large shade volume throughout the day. Greens receining partial pine straw coverage were 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 15 and 18.
In total we used approximately 300 bales of pine straw and 114.8 man hours to complete this process.

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