
I guess it should be no surprise that Atlanta was hit with a second iceing/snow event with the crazy weather everybody has endured this winter.
At East Lake we had approximetly 2 inches of an ice/snow event that blanketed the entire course, forcing us to close from February 10-15. Thus far this year we have covered the greens for 19 days and the course has been closed 24 days due to incliment weather. Those figures speak volumes of the lack of golfing days so far this year. Hopefully warmer temps are on their way!
Fortunatly the ice and snow melted quickly and we were able to open last Sunday. However, the course is still extremly wet and has halted our scheduled pre emerge applications. With the potential for cold temperature damage to weak and shaded bermudagrass this winter, we have also had to alter our pre emerge timing.

Please see below for some photos of the course.

6 green covered in sleet.

1 Green
18 Covered in sleet

6 Green after snow

Short game practice facility

7 Fairway

1 Fairway

10 Fairway

14 fairway

6 Green starting to thaw

1 Fairway melt begins

Only casulty from the ice was a few limbs.

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