I think its fair to say that the longer than normal summer is over. Temps in the Atlanta area have been somewhat bone rattling. However, it has not scared the golfers away. While not as busy as November, but we are continuing to have fairly steady play.
Last week we had our volunteer appreciation play day where some brave souls showed up and played their rounds. It was great to catch up with our loyal volunteers from this year's championship.
Our main focus this time of year is leaf clean up and as is the case with many of us on golf courses we have our hands full at the moment. A great addition to our fleet of equipment this year was a Agri metal 772 with a mulching component. Not only has it saved us time but has also saved some dollars in leaf and debris clean up.
Other projects we have going at the moment is some sod leveling and irrigation repair.We noticed some severe depressions in some areas of the course due mainly to old tree wells settling out and sinking. Our process for repair is cutting out the sunken area, adding fill, compacting the fill and replacing the sod.
If you have played here in the last few weeks you would have noticed a trench line along 8 fairway. This was the result of a existing 2 1/2 inch mainline being pierced by a tree root. To repair we had to cut the line several feet on both sides of the tree and re-route the pipe around the tree.
Our maintenance practices on greens consist of alternating rolling and the occasional mow. The greens are dormant and growing conditions are sparse to say the least.
Please check below for photos from our volunteer play day and the irrigation work.
Some crew members clearing the trench out prior to laying pipe |
Pipe installed and back filling begins |
Aristides packing the back fill |
Here is the culprit.If you look closely you can see the pipe.