Tournament Prep

A new technique has been implemented for this years tournament, we are using rotary mowers to mow out from our transition cut to the gallery ropes around green surrounds. This method will give us a more precise cut and also reduce the wear and tear on green surrounds otherwise caused by riding equipment. Video below.

Also included is a few photos of some of the agronomy team who make East Lake the course it is on a daily basis.

Saul and Adrian doing some sod work

Danny and Jorge taking a well earned break from spraying bunker faces
Enrique rotary mowing surrounds
Jaime on the 3500
Joe working on a stump that had been ground
Ricky a 23 year veteran of East Lake
Assitant in training Ben, checking greens
Lopez  adding some additional fert to tees.
Aristides mowing rough
Jaime on the 3500
Greta, Julian and Will working on mulch beds.

Hector mowing approaches and collars

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