Controlling Bermudagrass In Zoysia Fairways
One of the most troublesome weeds to control in zoysia grass is bermudagrass, as physiological similarities between the species often render them susceptible to similar herbicide chemistries. Several researchers have illustrated that mixtures of fusilade and turflon applied sequentially during mid summer can provide bermudagrass suppression for up to 4 weeks without inducing significant zoysia grass injury. However, numerous applications are required over several years rendering control of the species a struggle for superintendents.
Below are some photos taken from various fairways at East Lake after we made our first application of fusilade and turflon.
As you can notice in the photo above the injury sustained to the Bermudagrass with little effect on the zoysiagrass.
This photo was taken at the front portion of 13 fairway. As you notice the bermudagrass encroachment is significant.
This is great photo that shows the amount of encroachment in the zoysia intermediate cut. Where I placed my radio is the outside edge of the intermediate with about a foot to foot and a half of bermudagrass encroachment.