Championship Tee Conversion
We are currently in the process of converting all of our championship tees from bermudagrass to zoysiagrass. Whilst majority of the championship tees were already zoysiagrass we had a handful of tees to convert.
To start the process a week ago we sprayed the tees with a mix of departure(glyphosphate), fusilade 2(fluazifop), and ammonium nitrate. Our plan is to wait around 2-3 weeks before we make our second application just to catch any new growth that we may have missed.
July 2nd to the 10th the course will be closed, this is when the existing bermudagrass will be stripped, prepared and the new zoysiagrass will be layed.
To start the process a week ago we sprayed the tees with a mix of departure(glyphosphate), fusilade 2(fluazifop), and ammonium nitrate. Our plan is to wait around 2-3 weeks before we make our second application just to catch any new growth that we may have missed.
July 2nd to the 10th the course will be closed, this is when the existing bermudagrass will be stripped, prepared and the new zoysiagrass will be layed.
13 Championship tee(back) |
13 Championship tee( forward tee) |
15 Championship tee |
9 Championship tee |
5 Champioship tee |
7 Championship tee |