As with everybody this time of year weather conditions are improving and all golfers are itching to hit the first tee at their golf clubs. This has definitely been the case at East Lake. Since masters weekend we have easily average 100 rounds per day and also have had several corporate outings on Mondays which has interrupted some of our much needed cultural practices on the greens.
Yesterday we were fortunate to be closed so we took the opportunity to first spike the MiniVerde greens, then venting with a 4 inch (length) by quarter inch (width) solid tine then followed the aerifier a with a light topdressing and a drag.
This was the first time we have used the green ultra dwarf sand but as you will notice in the photos below it was a success. To the eye it was almost unnoticeable unless you really look closely to see that we spread sand on the greens. The only downside being is the cost associated with the green sand compared to the white sand which is quite significant.
We also took advantage of the course being closed for play to get a dry cut on fairways and tees. Mowing without dew on the ground reduced a lot of clippings and gave a cleaner more precise cut.
Photos and videos below.
After spiking. |
After aerification. |
After topdressing and dragging. |
A close up view after topdressing and dragged. |
A view up 15 fairway after being dry cut. The brown patches in the intermediate cut is bermudagrass
checking out of the zoysia after we sprayed turflon and fusilade. |