Testing a new bunker construction method
The bunker below (short left of #7 green) is shown after a 2.5" rain event. This bunker is probably the worst on the golf course for washouts following heavy (and sometimes moderate) rain events.

This is the same bunker after removing all of the sand from the bunker. The black "lines" you see are a special material we installed over the drain lines in the bunker to allow water to rapidly enter drainage. 
This bunker is the third fairway bunker on the left side of #16. This bunker also has a tendency to washout in heavy rains. We have removed the sand from this bunker as well, and will be testing the new method both in this bunker and the one on #7.
As we proceed, we will take more photos and post our progress. We are very excited about this technology and the potential to greatly improve bunker consistency for our members and guests!