Christmas Pot Luck Party
Today we had our crew Christmas Party and Pot luck dinner. We have been doing this sor several years now, and the crew enjoys it. This year, several crew members put together money to go out and buy ingredients for an authentic Mexican Feast. It was the first time we did this for our Christmas Party and it was a huge success. Several crew members
cooked the meat and other ingredients for the feast. Afterwards
we had our gift exchange. Every crew member picked a name out
of a hat, and that was who they were to get the gift for. Everyone
involved enjoys being a part of this event. It allows for us all to
relax and unwind a bit. It also allows us to have fun in a more
relaxed environment.
From all of us here, in East Lake Golf Club Agronomy Department, we
wish everybody Happy Holidays and a safe New Year.

Danny, Our Grillmaster |
we had our gift exchange. Every crew member picked a name out
of a hat, and that was who they were to get the gift for. Everyone
involved enjoys being a part of this event. It allows for us all to
relax and unwind a bit. It also allows us to have fun in a more
relaxed environment.
From all of us here, in East Lake Golf Club Agronomy Department, we
wish everybody Happy Holidays and a safe New Year.